Wednesday, October 7, 2009

As of late my new nightly/ daily drama is getting Zave to sleep in his crib. For about two months he was fine with it. At night he would fall asleep quickly or stay sleeping when I put him down, and usually sleep through the night. Napping was always hit or miss in his crib, he dose however love napping in his cradle n' swing. Most of the time I don't even have to turn in on, he just snuggles in and closes his eyes. I have to say if it were not for that swing I would not have survived the first weeks as a mom. At night it was the only place he would sleep if he was not being held from birth to 3 months. My genus husband figured that one out after our 5th night with taking turns holding him and sleeping. Ahhhh sweet, sweet, sweet sleep!

Our new nightly routine now includes tears, on both Zave's part and mine. I put him down drowsy but he wakes right up fussing and crying and OH my its horrible. I try to leave him.. but once the tears start my heart starts to hurt.... how can you just leave your baby be when he seems to be in so much utter distress. I usually break down after about 15 minutes and pick him up. Then nurse him again just in case his tears are because of starvation, because it has been a whole 20 minutes since he last nursed...LOL Zave then usually falls back asleep after about 10 minutes and the whole thing starts again. The past two nights I've given up and put him in his swing to sleep for the night. I feel like I'm moving backwards! This is definitely an up hill battle Argh!

My achievement to day was getting him to nap in his crib, there was fussing, and his fake no tears crying that kinda makes me laugh, because he smiles while doing it a lot of the time. But after 30 min of that, he did nap! Of course I did have to play a round of peek a boo, which I do love. I get those great smiles and giggles that melt my heart. I also had to do my rendition of some Motown songs along with the ipod going on in the background all while staying in his field of vision. But I did triumph in this battle, and I put away a stack of summer cloths too! So technically is like two battles right? Dose it matter that the nap only lasted just over a half hour? Either way its still a small victory on my part!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I've been there!! I have, however, learned to just give in to the battle. Anthony is now 3 years old and still doesn't sleep all night in his bed. We try, he falls asleep laying with us then we move him to his bed, but he inevitably ends up in our bed claiming to have had a bad dream. He's told me what was happening in some of these and they don't sound so scarry to me! I have come to the realization that the time that we have them little is so short and goes by so fast, what's the point in struggling with them about him just wanting to be close to us. I know, from experience, that there comes a time when they won't want to be near you at any time of the day or night, so I am going to trasure the time when he does and snuggle with him every bit that I can. Ther's no point in wasting all that time in a struggle and feeling defeated! Just embrace it, my friend!!
